Dealing with IP range in PHP/MySQL

Published the Sunday, 28 January 2024 at 07:40

The goal is to process some CIDR blocks to tighten a webservice security.

First let's see how to compute the first and last address of an IP range with just the block base IP and mask:

$range = ['', 8];
function rangeBegin($range) {
        return $range[0];
function rangeEnd($range) {
        return long2ip(ip2long($range[0]) | ((1 << (32 - $range[1])) - 1));

How to detect if an IP is present in a CIDR block:

$ip = '';
$range = ['', 8];
function ipInRange($ip, $range) {
        if (ip2long($range[0]) <= ip2long($ip) && ip2long($ip) <= (ip2long($range[0]) | ((1 << (32 - $range[1])) - 1))) {
                return true;
        return false;

As a first bonus, how to retrieve amazon IP ranges:

function fetchAmazonRange() {
        //Init array
        $amazonRanges = [];

        $ctx = stream_context_create(
                        'http' => [
                                'method' => 'GET',
                                'max_redirects' => 0,
                                'timeout' => 5,
                                'ignore_errors' => false,
                                'header' => [
                                        'Connection: close',
                                        'Accept: application/json'

        //Fetch json
        if (($json = file_get_contents('', false, $ctx)) === false) {
                return null;

        //Decode it
        if (($json = json_decode($json)) === null || empty($json->prefixes)) {
                return false;

        //Deal with prefixes
        foreach($json->prefixes as $range) {
                //Skip ipv6 and invalid ranges
                if (empty($range->ip_prefix)||!preg_match('/^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\/([0-9]+)$/', $range->ip_prefix, $matche
s)) {
                //Remove whole match
                //Add ip and mask
                $amazonRanges[] = $matches;

        //Send back result
        return $amazonRanges;

Microsoft Azure IP ranges urls:

Google IP ranges urls: